Cat Breeds

All About Ragdoll Cats

A cute Ragdoll kitten in a black bucket with a blanket inside. The kitten is on its back with its legs up in the air.

Quick facts

  • Lifespan: 12-17 years
  • Size (Adult): 17-21 inches, 10-20 pounds
  • Personality: Affectionate, quiet, cuddly 
  • Shedding: Moderate
  • Pet Friendly: They tend to accept other pets well
  • Vocal: Usually pretty quiet
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor is best
  • Intelligence: Moderate to high intelligence, quick learners


If you love the attributes of a dog but think of yourself as a “cat person,” the Ragdoll is for you. These kitties are affectionate, loyal, and playful yet will melt in your arms, giving them their Ragdoll name. They also tend to be on the bigger side and have a silky soft hair coat that does require some attention.


A cute Ragdoll kitten lying down on a blue blanket. There are two balls of blue yard on both sides of the kitten.

The Ragdoll is a breed developed in California during the 1960s. The foundation female, known as Josephine, was a white, longhaired kitty with some colorful genes in her background. The breed developer, Ann Baker, selected kittens for their laid-back personality and Himalayan-type coloring. The result was a calm and affectionate cat with long, soft hair with colored “points” similar to those of a Siamese.

Baker named them Ragdolls because they tend to flop in your arms when held, completely at ease in human company. In a later development, Persians and Burmese, among other cat breeds, are thought to contribute to the overall makeup. 

Ragdolls were officially recognized as a breed by the Cat Fancier’s Association in 1993, with full recognition in 2000. They are now a very popular breed among pet owners.


Ragdolls are on the larger end of the cat spectrum, with males getting up to 20 pounds or more and females coming in at 10-15 pounds. They can be 17-21 inches tall at the shoulder, with females being smaller than males.

This is a slow maturing breed. Most adults don’t reach their mature size and weight until around four years old. Full coloring typically happens around two years of age. They also have a fat pad that is characteristic of the breed, not an indication of overfeeding. Since they are so late to mature, proper nutrition is important throughout their growth phase.


An adult Ragdoll cat lying down on its stomach. Someone’s hand can be seen holding a wooden stick with a small bell and feather at one end tied to it with string. The person is showing the cat the feather to play with it.

Even though a Ragdoll’s coloring and haircoat are striking, it’s perhaps their personality that draws most people to this breed. Ragdolls are knowns for their propensity to sink into their family’s arms and cuddle at any given opportunity. They love to be around people and often greet you at the door and follow you around the house.

But don’t be fooled by their docile nature; Ragdolls also like to play, especially interactively. Many Ragdolls adore toys or other games with their family. This breed is also quick to learn and can pick up many different tricks. They can even be trained to walk on a leash and retrieve a ball.

A Ragdoll’s laid-back personality makes them a great family pet, even with children and other animals. They are well mannered enough to tolerate games of dress-up and cuddling with kids and even dogs.

They are quiet and will generally only use their soft voice when politely asking for food.

Lifespan and Health

The lifespan of a Ragdoll averages around 12-17 years, especially if kept as indoor pets. 

Being a purebred animal, they are more likely to develop certain health conditions such as:

  1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common heart condition found in cats. This condition causes the walls of the heart to thicken, decreasing the efficiency of pumping blood. In Ragdolls, it is often the result of a genetic mutation that now has a test to identify it in breeding animals.
  2. Bladder stones: Ragdolls carry an increased risk of developing calcium oxalate stones in their urinary bladder. These stones can lead to recurrent urinary tract infections and discomfort. Diet changes and increased water consumption can sometimes help prevent them.


A Ragdoll cat lying down right in front of the camera. It’s fur looks fluffy and its blue eyes are clearly seen.

The laid-back personality of a Ragdoll doesn’t mean that they are also low maintenance. You may spend quite a bit of time loving on them and grooming their long hair coat. Ragdolls have a fairly thin undercoat, which means that it won’t mat, tangle or shed as much as thicker-haired breeds, but it still requires daily or weekly brushing. 

Bath your Ragdoll anytime their hair becomes greasy or tangled, and pay special attention to their under-the-tail area as it can become encrusted with feces.

Exercise is a must for these kitties. They like to play and climb, especially to heights that are more eye level with you. Provide them with interactive toys when you’re away. Don’t be afraid to teach a Ragdoll some tricks, like fetch, or teach them to walk on a leash so that they can accompany you on your evening stroll.

Since this breed is one of the slower-growing among cats, they need to be fed a high quality, high protein food and lots of it until they have reached their mature size. Once they achieve maturity around four years of age, you’ll need to adjust their meal size to maintain a healthy weight. A veterinarian should serve as a nutritional advisor to help you determine the best food and amount to give your pet. 

Daily tooth brushing will help prevent dental disease and keep your feline friend’s breath fresh. This is especially important since a Ragdoll will want to spend most of their time on your lap or in your bed. You may also want to wipe their eyes daily with a damp cloth and check their ears weekly for signs of infection.

The last bit of advice for caring for Ragdolls is not to let them become pushovers. It may be easy for young children or other pets to manhandle or mistreat them with their docile personality. Always supervise interactions between kids or pets if you’re unsure how both sides will react.


The price of a Ragdoll is going to vary based on quality. Most pets are sold for around $200-400, while show quality individuals can reach as high as $2,000. 

If you’re in the market for a Ragdoll cat, be sure to use a reputable breeder. Don’t trust any breeder that says their animals are “disease-free.” There’s no such thing. Instead, look for breeders who have done pre-breeding screenings on their cats to reduce the chances of them having conditions like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 

Purchasing a kitten isn’t the only way to get your arms around a Ragdoll. Check your local animal shelters and rescues for abandoned and surrendered kitties. Or search Petfinder for Ragdolls in need of a new home. 

All About Siamese Cats

A small, light brownish and black Siamese kitten with blue eyes standing in a field of flowers and tilting its head to the side.

Quick Facts

Lifespan: 8-15 years

Size (Adult): 6-12 pounds, 15-20 inches

Personality: Affectionate, attention-seeking, friendly

Shedding: Low

Pet Friendly: Generally does well with other cats and dogs

Vocal: Very vocal

Indoor/Outdoor: Can be either, but indoor is recommended

Intelligence: Highly intelligent and trainable


A small light tan and black Siamese kitten wearing a pink and red bowtie around its neck in a field with grass and yellow flowers.

Siamese cats are probably best known for their telltale markings-those little drops of color on their face, legs, and tail. Along with those looks, Siamese cats also bring a personality that is both affectionate and outgoing. They are also intelligent and willing enough to be trained to do tricks, making them a fun and friendly part of your family.


Two light brownish and black Siamese kittens with blue eyes on a orange and purple blanket playing with one another. The top kitten is holding the other kitten by its neck.

The Siamese cat is an old breed with its origins in Siam – the former name of Thailand. Their beauty and loyalty made them ideal candidates to guard the King of Siam. They were said to perch on columns surrounding the king and would attack anyone who threatened him.

Siamese didn’t move westward until the 19th century when they were given as gifts by the King of Siam to English noblemen and later on, in the early 1900s, to friends in America. Their show career began in 1871 in England’s Crystal Palace Cat Show, where their unique markings made them sought-after pets. Their popularity increased rapidly after WWII, making them one of the top registered breeds and common in numerous films.

At first, only seal-pointed Siamese, with the traditional dark brown points, were allowed in the show ring. Later on, with the development of new colorings, including lilac, chocolate, flame, and blue, all colors of Siamese were able to be shown.


A light brownish and black Siamese cat with blue eyes lying down on a brown blanket looking at the camera.

Siamese cats are long and lean kitties. They have long legs, long bodies, long tails, and even long, triangular-shaped faces with a long nose. They are of medium height, coming in at around 15-20 inches tall at the shoulder. Males tend to be taller than females.

Siamese are also of medium weight. Females usually weigh about 8 pounds or less, and males weigh in at 8-12 pounds. Because of their lean stature, overeating and excessive weight gain can show up very quickly, even causing a pot-bellied look after only one large meal!


A light brownish and black Siamese cat with blue eyes looking at something off in the distance.

The unique pattern of the Siamese cat’s coloring is breathtaking on its own. However, what is even more exquisite is the number of shades that their points can come in. All Siamese kittens are born completely white or cream-colored. As they get older, they develop darker “points” at the head, ears, legs, and tail. Those points can come in as many as 32 accepted colors, giving this breed a wide variation in appearance.


A light brownish and black Siamese cat with blue eyes lying on its back looking like it wants to play.

While their looks may be what initially attracts people to Siamese cats, their personality often wins them over. These felines are friendly, affectionate, and don’t like to be left out. They tend to stick by their owner’s sides no matter what the schedule is for the day. Siamese may also be affectionate toward strangers or other animals in or out of your household.

Along with those traits, Siamese are also intelligent. They can be trained to perform tricks, walk on a lead, or even play hide-and-seek. Just because they can be trained doesn’t mean that they will listen. Siamese cats can also be very independent and opinionated, doing what they prefer rather than what you want.

With intelligence also comes athleticism. Siamese are not sedentary cats; they prefer to be active through play and interactive games. They may also cause trouble if left home alone with nothing to do. Investing in puzzle toys or a cat tree may be necessary to keep your Siamese entertained.

Whether your Siamese is performing a trick that you taught them or snuggling under the covers, they will usually be talking. With their constant chatter and need to be around people, it’s no wonder that Siamese cats are very popular pets.

Lifespan and Health

An old black and brownish Siamese cat lying down looking tired.

The lifespan of a Siamese is between 8 and 15 years. They will tend to live longer if kept as indoor cats due to the perils of living outdoors. 

As with any purebred animal, Siamese are more prone to certain diseases. Proper breeding and regular veterinary care can help prevent some of these diseases, including:

  1. Respiratory Issues: With an extra-long and wedge-shaped nose comes a propensity for respiratory disease, including sinus infections, chronic congestion, asthma, and bronchitis.
  2. Dental Issues: All cats, regardless of breed, have the same number of teeth (30). The elongated jaws of a Siamese can create dental troubles due to the placement of the teeth. Regular brushing can help prevent some of these issues.
  3. Amyloidosis: Amyloidosis is a condition in which proteins called amyloids are deposited outside of cells leading to tissue damage and dysfunction. It is genetic in Siamese cats and can be reduced by careful breeding selection.
  4. Eye Issues: The brilliant blue of Siamese eyes isn’t without its troubles. Siamese may be genetically prone to crossed eyes, glaucoma, and progressive retinal atrophy, which results in blindness. Again, pre-breeding screenings may help decrease the incidence of some of these diseases.
  5. Cancer: Every kitty may be subject to cancer, but Siamese tend to be over-represented with certain types of cancer. These include lymphoma, thymoma, and mast cell tumors.


A light brownish and black Siamese cat with blue eyes lying down and staring at something with menacing eyes.

A Siamese cat brings a lot to the table. But they also expect a lot from you in return. Caring for a Siamese cat is going to take an investment of time and energy. Here are things that you’ll need to do to care for your Siamese cat.


Fortunately, you won’t have to spend a lot of time grooming a Siamese. Their short haircoat may be colorful and beautiful, but it doesn’t take a lot of work. Of course, regular brushing will help reduce the amount of shed hair on your carpet, clothes, and couches and will also keep your kitty cleaner. But it isn’t as necessary as with a longer-haired breed.

However, Siamese often see grooming as a form of affection, so regular brushing may be necessary to return the love they give to you. Brushing is also important for skin and hair coat health. It helps to spread the natural skin oils throughout the hair to provide softness and shine.

Regular bathing every couple of weeks can help remove excess dirt, oil, and loose hairs. Be sure not to bathe them too often, or you could end up drying out the skin or causing irritation.


These cats aren’t couch potatoes. They want to get up and move. Be sure to invest in numerous different cat toys to hold their attention, especially when you can’t be at home. You’ll also want some cat furniture on which they can climb and jump. 

Interactive toys, such as wand or chase toys, are great because they will get your cat’s heart rate up and allow you to spend time with them all at once. Puzzle toys that release treats are great to keep a Siamese cat’s mind stimulated and not destructive. Also, you may find your Siamese prefers a walk around the block on a lead.


Since Siamese are lean kitties, overfeeding can be an issue. Stick with a high protein diet that uses high-quality ingredients, like whole meats. You’ll need to find the perfect balance of calories to match their energy levels so that your Siamese can maintain a healthy weight. Your veterinarian can help you choose a food that will do this.

Dental Care

With a propensity towards dental disease, regular brushing and dental cleanings may be necessary to keep their mouths healthy.

Veterinary Care

Regular visits to your veterinarian can help your Siamese lead the longest and happiest life possible. Take your kitty to the vet at least once a year for regular exams and vaccinations. The frequency of visits should increase as your Siamese ages.


Two light brownish and black Siamese cats with blue eyes being held in the lap of a woman.

Such a variation in coloring brings a wide variation in price. Siamese cats can range in price from a couple hundred dollars to $2,500. Rare colors and pedigree can significantly increase the cost.  

You’ll also invest some money into toys and furniture to keep your Siamese entertained. Veterinary care and the cost of food will add to your total care costs.

If you’re looking to purchase a Siamese, be sure to do so from a reputable breeder. These breeders select their animals from lines that are less susceptible to genetic diseases and have performed pre-breeding exams to reduce the risk of illness.

Siamese are popular pets, but many have to be surrendered due to their owner’s inability to keep them anymore or sometimes even because they are so needy and vocal. Also, look for Siamese cats from animal shelters and rescue groups

All About Persian Cats: Facts & Important Information

A cute white and grey Persian cat lying down on a carpet.

Quick Facts

Lifespan: 10-17 years

Size (Adult): 10-15 inches tall, 8-12 pounds

Personality: Quiet, low energy, affectionate but not demanding of attention

Shedding: With soft, silky, flowing locks like those of a Persian, expect plenty of shedding – frequent grooming is required.

Pet Friendly: Persians don’t like a lot of fuss and noise, so they may prefer to be solitary cats in a quiet household with no or older children. Some Persians may take comfort in having one familiar pet companion, but they are typically not happy in a home loaded with other pets and noise.

Vocal: Generally very quiet with a soft meow. Not much of an attention seeker – don’t anticipate too much begging or clinginess. 

Indoor/Outdoor Cat: Indoor is preferable to keep their hair coat as clean and mat-free as possible.

Intelligence: Moderately intelligent


A cute, white kitten sitting on a pink carpet.

Most of us are familiar with a Persian cat’s physical attributes – who can resist that snub nose, silky fur, and slightly grumpy but content look? Couple that with a calm, quiet and affectionate personality, and you have a breed of cats that is quite popular. Cuteness and easygoing nature aside, Persians can be more high maintenance than some of us may prefer. Is a Persian right for you? Let’s take a look.


A white and light tan Persian cat sitting down starting at something.

Persians are an old breed of cats, thought to originate somewhere in the 1600s. They originally came from Mesopotamia, later known as Persia, and now known today as Iran. Due to their luxurious haircoat and unique facial structure, Persians were thought to be smuggled from Persia by early European explorers. They later became very sought-after pets in Victorian England. 

Throughout the years, selective breeding has created a wide variation in the coloring of their fur and further developed their facial features. They are now one of the most popular cat breeds worldwide due to their looks and personality.


A white Persian cat outside standing on grass.

Persians are a medium-sized cat breed, made to look larger by their long hair. They range in weight from 8-12 pounds and can be 10-15 inches high at the shoulder. As with most cat breeds, males tend to be larger than females.

These are not fine-boned cats. They have quite thick legs and a solid body, which probably has something to do with them not being as athletic as other breeds.


A close-up shot of a white Persian cat's face (blue eyes).

Every kitty is different in their personality due to how they were raised. However, there are some common threads that make up a Persian’s temperament.

  • Quiet: Most Persians will prefer not to chat about your day; instead, they will let you know they care through snuggles and lap time.
  • Affectionate: A Persian will appreciate some one-on-one time with you but will tend not to demand it.
  • Sedate: You won’t find most Persian adults scaling your walls or whipping around after a ball. Instead, they prefer to lounge lazily on your lap or draped across your sofa arm.
  • Serene: Loud, busy houses are not for Persians. They prefer quiet without a lot of commotion. Kids and other pets are okay as long as they can keep noise levels down and not expect to play too much.
  • Stand-offish: Rather than greet strangers at the door, Persians prefer to get to know somebody before they trust them enough to allow quiet petting.

Lifespan and Health

A grey Persian cat lying down outside on a patch of grass.

Persian cats have a lifespan between 10 and 17 years and require a fair bit of care to reach those older ages. Like all kitties, kidney diseasehyperthyroidismdental disease, and diabetes are some concerns. However, Persians have some unique health considerations, mainly due to their facial structure.

Those illnesses that pop up more commonly in Persians include:

  • Difficulty Breathing: With a short nose comes smaller nasal airways, which means when a Persian takes a breath, they’re not getting the volume of air that other cats with longer noses get. This can lead to difficulty breathing during exercise, excitement, or with nasal congestion.
    • Along with the shortness of the nose, some Persians may experience brachycephalic airway syndrome that may require surgical treatment. 
    • This may also make them more sensitive to heat since a large part of a cat’s cooling ability comes from evaporation in the nasal airways. Homes with air conditioning are preferred for Persians in warmer climates.
  • Eye Issues: Along with the short nose, Persian may exhibit more than their fair share of eye issues. They may experience excessive tearing from hair in the eyes, inverted eyelashes, or cherry eye. A hereditary form of progressive retinal atrophy is linked to some Persian lines that can lead to blindness as early as four months of age.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: This is a condition in which the kidneys develop cysts that eventually lead to kidney failure around middle age. Reputable breeders will only breed PKD negative cats.
  • Skin Conditions: Without proper grooming, Persians may be more likely to have trouble with their skin. Dandruff, bacterial or fungal infections, or seborrhea are all things to look out for, as well as mats, snarls, and tangles.


A brown, white cat with black stripes being groomed with a comb by someone.

Caring for a Persian may require a slightly different approach than other breeds of cats.


Hair this long requires daily grooming. Regular brushing will help remove tangles and snarls to prevent mats and spread the skin’s natural oils for a healthy softness and shine. Brushing will also help remove excess hair to spare your carpets, clothes, and furniture.

Along with daily brushing, your Persian may also need the occasional bath, probably about once a month. Bathing helps to remove excess dirt and debris and can aid in reducing shedding. You’ll want to choose a mild shampoo, and be sure to rinse all soap from the haircoat thoroughly. Be careful not to overdo it with bathing, as frequent shampooing can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause dry skin.

You’ll also want to trim toenails and maybe even the long hair that grows between a Persian’s toes to reduce litter tracking.

Wipe the eyes daily with a soft, damp cloth to help remove debris and reduce tearing. If you have a lighter colored kitty, daily wiping will help reduce that brown tear staining that can occur around the eyes.

Dental Care

With that snub nose comes a smaller mouth. So small that a Persian can have trouble fitting all of their teeth in there. Because of this, Persian teeth can easily be crowded or come in crooked, a major prequel to dental disease.

You can help reduce the incidence of dental disease by brushing your cat’s teeth daily. You may also look into dental treats that help to remove tartar while your cat eats them. Regular veterinary exams are a must to catch dental disease before it becomes too severe.


Since Persians are more sedentary, a low-calorie diet can help prevent excessive weight gain. You’ll still want a diet that is high in protein but low in fat and calories. Bonus points if you pick a diet that is shaped for easy pickup by a Persian-shaped mouth.


While some cats will willingly run laps around your home, Persians are more apt to not. But that doesn’t mean they can’t still exercise. Engage your Persian friend in a light game with a feather wand or laser pointer, or interact with them by tossing their favorite chew toy and having them “retrieve” it. Catnip laced toys are also a great way to get a Persian kitty up and moving.

Veterinary Care

All kitties should see the vet at least once a year, preferably more as they age. Regular veterinary care can help catch and prevent illnesses and help you answer burning questions such as what to feed your cats, which litter is best, and why my cat is doing ___? Vaccinations are part of a Persian’s health care plan and should be kept up to date to avoid certain illnesses.


A fluffy, white Persian cat being held by a woman in her arms.

There is quite a range in the cost of a Persian cat. The variation is mainly based on the quality of the haircoat and lineage of the cat. If you’re looking for a pet-only Persian, you’re in for anywhere from a couple hundred to $1,000. If you want a cat for showing or breeding, that cost escalates to $3,000-5,000.

Not only are there upfront costs for buying a Persian, but there is also the maintenance costs. If you’re not up for some grooming, that’s an expense that you can expect every couple of weeks or once a month. There’s also the cost of veterinary care, food, toys, etc.

If you’re looking to purchase a Persian kitten, do so from a reputable breeder. These are breeders that are recommended by veterinarians and have done some pre-breeding screening of their cats. This will help ensure that you get the healthiest Persian possible.

If sorting through breeders isn’t your style, there’s always a Persian to rescue. Search Petfinder for available Persians or contact your local Persian rescue organization.

All About Maine Coon Cats

A big, brownish, grey-ish fur with black striped Maine Coon cat looking at the camera straight on

Quick Facts

Lifespan: 9-15 years

Size (Adult): Adult males are typically over 12 pounds while females are 8-12 pounds. Their length can reach up to 40 inches long.

Personality: Mellow, friendly, affectionate, talkative, social.

Shedding: Maine Coons shed a moderate amount with their thick, long, shaggy haircoats. They should be brushed frequently.

Pet Friendly:  Yes, they get along great with other dogs and cats. Likely other animals too!

Vocal:  Extremely vocal. They also make a unique chirping sound.

Indoor/Outdoor Cat:  Great as either indoor or outdoor cats.

Intelligence: Moderate intelligence

IntroductionA greyish brown cat with black stripes on a bed with white sheets, clawing and biting a yellow stick

Maine Coons are a large, attractive, and social breed of cat. Their gentle, friendly personalities combined with their sturdy bodies and gorgeous haircoats make them unique cats and wonderful pets. For those considering adding a Maine Coon to their family, or if you’re just curious about this breed, we have compiled some helpful information about getting to know the Maine Coon cat.


Origin/HistoryA yellow and white Maine Coon cat looking directly into the camera

There are a variety of theories and legends about how the Maine Coon cat came to be. It is thought that true to their name, Maine Coon cats originated from Maine in the United States, and were made Maine’s official state cat in 1985. They are said to have come from mating domestic shorthair cats to longhaired Scandinavian cats and first appeared in the mid to late 1800s. A Maine Coon cat named Cosey was the winner of the first American cat show in 1895. The cats adapted to the harsh New England winters, with their thick hair coats, tufted paws, and sturdy bodies. Today, we know them as one of the largest domestic cats and the only longhair breed native to the country.


SizeA big grey, tan-ish, Maine Coon cat with black strips lying down on a cushion looking into the camera.

Maine Coon cats are known as the “Gentle Giants” of the Cat fancy. They evolved through natural selection into big-boned, sturdy, muscular cats that could withstand harsh outdoor environments. They strut a broad chest, large square head, sizeable tufted paws, and a long fluffy tail.

As with many species, the males tend to be larger than the females and typically weight over 12 pounds, often nearing the 20-pound range.

Their female counterparts weigh in smaller in the 8-12-pound range, although they can be over 12 pounds. Maine Coons have long bodies reaching close to 40 inches, and their fluffy haircoats and tails often make them look even larger and longer than they already are.

Due to their size, it takes longer for the Maine Coon to reach a mature body weight. They grow slow and steady until about 4 years of age. Compared to other common cat breeds, the Maine Coon may look large and intimidating, but they will be quick to win you over with their friendly personalities.


PersonalityA cute light tan puppy resting its head on a grey cats head. The cat is slight squashed by the puppy's head, in a cute way. Both are lying on the grass.

Imagine a dog in a cat’s body, which is often what a Maine Coon cat is compared to. They are commonly referred to as the “dogs of the cat world,” with their social, playful, and affectionate personalities, even dog lovers will want a Maine Coon!

They are gentle, easy-going, sweet-tempered, and enjoy interaction with humans and other animals. These traits make them a great family pet since they get along so well with children, adults, dogs, other cats, and probably many other critters.

The only downside of a Maine Coon’s personality might be that they require more attention and talk more than their other feline friends who tend to be more reserved and quieter. Some people describe the chatter of a Maine Coon to be more of a chirp combined with a purr, rather than the traditional cat meow.

Most cats are known to hate the water. Maine Coons have proven to be the exception to this rule. Many of these cats enjoy the water and have been known to be efficient swimmers. They often like to drink from running water sources and will dip their paws and heads under the stream. Some will drink or play by scooping the water up with their paws and splash around in their water bowls. Many people mention that their Maine Coon loves the water so much they try to shower with them!

Maine Coons are intelligent cats. Many people have trained them to perform commands or tricks. They are even known to walk with a harness.

Here Are Some Ways People Describe Maine Coon Cats:

  • Friendly
  • Affectionate
  • Easy-going
  • Gentle
  • Well-mannered
  • Playful
  • Adaptable
  • Social
  • Loyal
  • Intelligent
  • Talkative


Lifespan and Health

A young woman veterinarian checking a big grey cat that is lying down on the examination table. An assistant wearing blue in helping off to the left side, but you can only see their back and right arm.

The average lifespan of the Maine Coon cat is, on average, 9-15 years. Like any cat, Maine Coons can suffer from diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and periodontal disease. However, there are a few conditions that Maine Coons are especially prone to.


Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a disease of the hip joint that leads to lameness (physically disabled). This is often a hereditary condition and should be screened for carefully in breeding cats to ensure that it is not passed down to offspring. In minor cases, the condition only causes intermittent mild lameness. Moderate conditions can be medically managed with pain medications and exercise restrictions. Severe conditions can be treated surgically. Your veterinarian can diagnose hip dysplasia with a thorough physical exam and radiographs.


Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

This is another commonly inherited condition that is common in Maine Coons. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, is the most common heart disease in cats. It causes the heart muscle to become thick and work harder than it is meant to. Signs that your cat might have HCM include an increased respiratory rate, lethargy, or lack of appetite.


Polycystic Kidney Disease

In cats, polycystic kidney disease, or PKD, is a heritable condition characterized by cysts throughout the kidney tissue leading to kidney failure.


Spinal muscular atrophy

This condition affects the skeletal muscle by damaging the spinal neurons, which leads to muscle wasting. This condition isn’t painful but can cause weakness and difficulty jumping and running.



Due to the size of the Maine Coon cat, they are more susceptible to weight gain than the average feline. Excess weight can lead to diabetes and worsen conditions such as arthritis. Hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver disease, can develop when an overweight cat stops eating. The body uses fat rapidly to supply energy in the anorexic cat, and this overwhelms the liver and causes liver failure.

As with any cat, Maine Coons should be provided with regular veterinary care, including annual preventive care visits, vaccinations, dental cleanings, bloodwork, and fecal checks. They should have routine flea prevention and deworming to prevent intestinal parasites.


CareA man wearing a red and black plaid shirt holding a big grey, white, and blacked stripped cat with green eyes wearing a green collar.

Maine Coon cats are easy-going and require minimal special care. While they do love human interaction and attention, they don’t tend to be needy or overly obtrusive with their attention-seeking.

These cats were originally intended and bred to be outdoor hunting cats, but most are kept as indoor pets. They don’t require a special environment or conditions to thrive, but, as with any cat, their lifestyle should include enrichment such as hunting, playing, climbing, running, chasing, and access to fresh running water. They are active cats and should be allowed to live an active lifestyle. This will also help to keep them trim and athletic as well as stimulate their minds and body.

Maine Coons should be fed a typical cat food for their life stage and activity level. They don’t require any special nutrients or supplements unless they suffer a specific condition, which should be under your veterinarian’s direct care.

Maine Coons do require a little extra grooming care compared to their short-haired feline friends. They should be brushed daily to weekly and kept free from matted hair.

Every cat should have access to a fresh, clean litter box. Ideally, they should be provided with one additional litterbox in relation to the number of cats in the household. Since Maine Coons are larger cats, they may require a longer, wider, and deeper litterbox. Make sure to clean it daily and use a non-scented litter.


CostA bag of white cat food on the floor with a yellow cat standing over it with one paw on the bag. Someone's hand is holding some food to give the cat.

If you are considering adding a Maine Coon cat to your family, first check the local humane society or shelter to see if any need a good home. There are several Maine Coon specific cat rescues that can help connect you to your new friend. Maine Coon specific associations and organizations can provide you with reliable assistance as well.

If you insist on purchasing a Maine Coon cat from a breeder, it is essential to be diligent and do your research to find a reputable breeder. Ensure that they perform the appropriate health screening tests, provide exceptional veterinary care, have high standards regarding their facilities, and offer the best quality food and resources to their cats. Of course, this will come with a premium price, which on average, is around $1,000.

Avoid purchasing a Maine Coon cat or kitten from a pet store as these typically source their pets from unreliable sources and poor conditions.

If you already have a Maine Coon, you undoubtedly, have come to love these gentle giants, and if you are looking to add one to your family, you will soon find out what all the hype is about!